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Root Canal Treatment – Hoboken, NJ

Fast Relief for Hurting Teeth

Typically, a cavity only damages the outermost layer of a tooth, or the enamel. However, if decay is left untreated for a long time, it can actually cause an infection deep inside the tooth, which can lead to quite a bit of pain. Fortunately, with root canal treatment, Dr. Graffeo cannot only stop these terrible toothaches but save a tooth from extraction as well. Thanks to his experience and use of the latest techniques, this often-feared procedure is no more “excruciating” than getting a small filling. If you’re in pain and want it to go away as quickly as possible, go ahead and give us a call to schedule your root canal treatment in Hoboken, NJ.

Woman in need of root canal therapy holding cheek

Why Choose Robert Graffeo, DDS for Root Canal Therapy?

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Closeup of man with glasses struggling with tooth pain

Most of the time, Dr. Graffeo uses root canal treatment to remove an infection in the dental pulp, which is the delicate nerve located inside every tooth. The most common symptoms associated with this emergency dental treatment are:

The Root Canal Process 

Dentist holding model of decayed tooth

Naturally, the process of completing a root canal is quite complex. The overall process, however, is fairly straightforward. First, Dr. Graffeo will thoroughly numb the area of your mouth that he’s working on. Then, he carefully creates a small hole in the tooth before taking out the pulp. After cleaning the inside of the tooth, he sanitizes it to remove all bacteria and uses a filling material to restore the missing structure. Often, he’ll choose to place a crown over the tooth as well so it’s able to function like normal for many years to come.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

Closeup of woman smiling while sitting in treatment chair

One of the most significant benefits of getting a root canal is that this procedure stops the infection from progressing further, saving your tooth in the process. Of course, that’s far from the only perk. This restorative treatment is also painless thanks to powerful numbing agents and has a high success rate due to the latest techniques and technology. It’s also worth mentioning that the restoration placed over the treated tooth can last for decades and is crafted from lifelike materials, which ensures that your new and improved smile will both look and function beautifully.

Since root canals continue to be a feared procedure, we completely understand that patients sometimes have concerns. Don’t worry – we’re here to help make the entire treatment process as seamless, stress-free, and comfortable as possible. If you have any questions or are ready to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to let us know!

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Cash shoved in piggy bank

A root canal can relieve your pain and save your tooth from being extracted! However, you may be worried about the cost of your upcoming treatment, so we’re here to help. During your visit with us, we will be more than happy to give you an exact estimate for the cost of your treatment. In the meantime, here are some things to take into consideration.  

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Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

Model of root canal

It is very difficult to determine exactly how much a tooth canal will cost until we have had a chance to examine your smile. There are several different factors to take into consideration. Here are the most prominent ones:

  • Location: Depending on where your tooth is located in the mouth, the cost will vary. This is because molars have more roots than front teeth, so they tend to have a higher cost.
  • Difficulty: The more challenging the procedure is to complete, the more it will cost.
  • Additional Treatments: If you need another service along with your root canal, like a dental crown, this is something you should consider in the cost.

Is it Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

Tooth and coins on balance scale

It is common for patients to want to skip the root canal process altogether and just get their tooth pulled. Extractions may be more affordable upfront, but you need to consider the long-term effects of this decision. For instance, your bite can be negatively affected by the surrounding teeth shifting into the empty space. This will require additional treatments to keep your smile healthy. To keep this from happening, a dental implant or bridge would likely be recommended to replace your missing tooth. These procedures incur their own costs. By saving your tooth now with root canal treatment, you can avoid long-term complications and save lots of money in the long run!

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Dental insurance form

Root canal treatment is considered to be a major procedure, so dental insurance often covers anywhere from 50%-80% of the cost after your deductible has been met. However, every plan is different, so you should confirm this with your dental insurance provider ahead of time. You don’t want any unnecessary surprises. Our team is also happy to help if you need assistance regarding your insurance.

Other Options for Making Root Canal Treatment Affordable

Woman using a credit card

If you don’t have dental insurance, there are still options out there that can help make your treatment more accessible. For instance, we work with CareCredit – a third-party financing company that can split the cost of your treatment into manageable monthly installments with little to no interest. To learn more about your financial options, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our friendly team members.

Root Canal FAQs

Are Root Canals Painful?

You’ll be relieved to hear that root canals are designed to alleviate pain stemming from a severely decayed tooth, not cause more discomfort. To ensure that you remain comfortable throughout your time in the treatment chair, Dr. Graffeo will thoroughly numb the area of your mouth that he will be working on. So, you may feel some slight pressure from time to time as he works to eliminate the infection, but you won’t feel any pain. Even after you leave our office, we will provide you with helpful aftercare instructions so you heal with as little soreness as possible.

Do I Still Need a Root Canal if My Toothache Went Away?

If your chronic tooth pain seems to go away overnight, it’s not because the infection went away. Quite the opposite: it means that the nerve of your tooth has died, making it no longer able to register pain. Although that might sound like a relief, it essentially means that the root of the problem has progressed to the point where it can spread to your surrounding teeth and gums – potentially even the rest of your body. In other words, if your toothache goes away, it’s still important that you come to our office for the necessary restorative care.

Do Root Canals Ever Have to Be Redone?

Fortunately, root canals have a high success rate. With that said, there are some rare cases where root canals need to be redone. This is often the result of complications, like saliva contaminating the tooth during the procedure. If you notice any abnormal symptoms (i.e., pain when biting down, bleeding gums, dark discoloration on one of your teeth), contact us right away to schedule an exam with Dr. Graffeo.

What Happens if You Wait Too Long for a Root Canal?

Sometimes, patients want to take a day or two to think about their treatment options. That’s perfectly fine; we want you to feel confident when deciding what’s best for your oral health. That said, we don’t recommend waiting much longer than that to schedule the necessary restorative care. The longer you wait, the higher the chances of the root of the problem progressing, negatively impacting your oral and overall health in the process.

How Long Does it Take to Recover from a Root Canal?

The recovery time varies from patient to patient, but you can expect to resume your usual day-to-day activities the day after your procedure. Just make sure to do what you can to aid the healing process, like taking OTC pain medication as directed, rinsing periodically with warm saltwater, and sticking to soft foods.

Note: There are some cases where we recommend taking a day or two off following your root canal, including if your job is physically demanding.  

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